
The paradox of ‘grit’

Maybe we have to teach kids that asking for help is okay, that letting go isn’t giving up, and that sometimes the only pathway to peace might also mean coming face to face with our own shadow and embracing it with love, empathy and compassion.

Idaho disses some of its best high schools

The State Department of Education has been providing data to the U.S. News and World Report that is inaccurate and unfair to some of the state’s top high schools.

Federal funding cut leaves Idaho communities in annual limbo

By restoring funding for the Secure Rural Schools program, the federal government would meet an obligation to rural residents, says Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho.

Help save federally funded afterschool programs

President Trump’s proposed budget calls for Congress to cease funding 21st Century Community Learning Centers, a cut that will impact youth and families in Idaho.

Honoring excellence: Idaho’s Teacher of the Year

Congratulations, Mary Lynn Spiker, on the recognition of your outstanding contributions.

Plan ahead to address college financial barriers

Idaho’s college saving program can make a dent in the cost of higher education and can serve as a state tax deduction.

Furor over science standards is much ado about nothing

We can move forward with a better choice than what was presented to the 2017 Legislature. Focus on the performance standards and leave the implementation and choice of supporting content up to the local districts.

Three tips for teachers to finish the school year

To help reduce stress it’s important to think ahead and plan for the upcoming day or week.

Idaho’s public education system works

I think every parent, student and teacher would rally behind thoughtful reform, geared specifically and solely to help the kids. In the meantime, we’re lucky enough to have a dynamic and thriving educational system intact here in Idaho.

What stands in the way of going to college? Cost and confusion

We need to work together as a state on communicating effectively about the cost and value of higher education. At the University of Idaho, we’ve taken steps to make our application and admissions processes easier.