
Time for lawmakers to deliver on Freedom Foundation’s agenda

The group’s executive director outlines a wishlist of conservative policies that would affect education practices and funding.

Evaluating the McREL teacher evaluation audit

Boise School District Superintendent Don Coberly examins the questions provided by the committee and used by the auditors and how they relate to Idaho Code and practice.

Educators feel betrayed over teacher evaluation audit

Looking at this whole situation, lots of groups have made some fairly serious errors, and principals are not one of those groups.

Troy moves ‘Beyond Textbooks’ to find success

Under the leadership of Superintendent Christy Castro, Troy’s teachers have implemented the Beyond Textbooks framework to support the work of their Professional Learning Communities. Students are benefitting. This is a story others should study.

The go-on rate debate: A culture of low expectations

Why aren’t people mad? A low goal was set and we are failing to meet even that benchmark. In fact we are moving backwards from the goal.

It’s time to take bolder steps to get a more educated Idaho

We need to do more to get our students to go on and graduate with a credential if we are to have the educated workforce our employers need. Although the state has adopted many good policies and investments, we need even bolder steps or our economy will suffer.

Idaho needs an accountability system that reflects state values and enables mutual responsibility

I want to share some principles that, if adhered to, will lead to such a system.

A season of opportunity for Idaho students

So more Idaho high school students can access higher education, this fall the University of Idaho eliminated the $60 application fee for Idaho residents.

We need multiple strategies to address Idaho’s serious teacher shortage

Given the importance of a high-quality teacher in the classroom and how it relates to achievement, it’s time we begin to find strategies and realistic solutions to an issue that is also getting national attention.

Send kids to school with the right nutritional tools

Research confirms improving kids’ access to nutritious foods helps them learn, so here are four tips to help yours perform well in school.