
Our next step: Accelerate talent pipelines

Idaho has a problem. Simply spending money in education, if it works, will not show an economic return for at least 10 years, maybe longer and we can’t wait that long.

Four trends push an opportunity to change education in Idaho

Now is the time to focus on the trends shaping education in Idaho, and a great place to start building a funding system that will make it more likely our children get the education they deserve.

Classrooms, instruction are improving as new school year begins

I am committed to the course we have charted and confident in the investments we are making in Idaho’s future.

Coming soon to a town near you: Charter school cronyism

When an out-of-state entity is in charge of an Idaho school and is also the recipient of a lucrative business relationship with the school, isn’t that cronyism? You know, favoring close friends, or, yourself?

Programs help kids avoid the ‘summer slide’

The Idaho AfterSchool Network has a new interactive directory of 220 out-of-school programs searchable by location, age, cost and interest.

It is time for lawmakers to address funding formula

By 2017, the committee should provide a foundation grounded in removing ADA, emphasizing technology and providing fluidity within the formula that promotes innovation.

Healthy habits improve academic success

An aspiring surgeon from Filer High says students need 60 minutes of physical activity at school and the opportunity to fuel up with nutrient-rich foods.

Federal start-up charter school dollars work for Idaho and its families

Idaho Education News reported the Gem State received $21.6 million in federal dollars to open public charter schools. Of that amount, $2.3 million went to charter schools that failed — only 10 percent. The other 90 percent helped launch some of Idaho’s top performing charters.

Teachers inspire and grow students’ talents

The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution thanking teachers and encouraging students, parents, school administrators and public officials to participate in teacher appreciation events during National Teacher Appreciation Week, celebrated in May.

Conservatives won the GOP primary

Contrary to the popular narrative, conservatives gained ground in southern Idaho. And this will make a difference in the 2017 Legislature.