
Focus on what’s working in Idaho classrooms

It’s frustrating to see others pointing fingers and jumping to conclusions about a system that is showing great promise. Instead of trying to make political hay, we ought to be working together to improve usage of the Idaho Education Network.

Longitudinal data system goes from cradle to cadaver

ISEE/Schoolnet has been a colossal failure and the Albertson Foundation is responsible for funding nearly half of it, highlighting the dysfunction caused when outside interest groups dabble in education policy.

What we should (have) be(en) doing about the IEN

This mess will take some sorting out by all the parties involved. But we should not let this current mess keep us from seeing a clear path forward. I propose a short-term direction.

Career ladder will increase salaries

More competitive, professional level teacher salaries will help attract individuals to the profession and provide incentives for effective teachers to stay in the classroom.

What will Otter’s education legacy be?

Legacy building is taking an ugly detour as a result of the Idaho Education Network broadband contract. Administration of this contract could be one of the big issues heading into the 2015 legislative session.

Save Idaho Education Network

Let’s all hope the current legal fights don’t put an end to all that’s be achieved by this essential program, because it’s changing student’s lives for the better all across Idaho.

Tom Luna: It’s been an honor

It hasn’t always been easy, and at times the road was difficult, but the effort was worth it and now the path forward is clear, says Idaho’s out-going State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Student reflects on debate experience

Jake Thornberry is one of 80 students at Compass Academy in Idaho Falls who planned and conducted a state superintendent debate between eventual winner Sherri Ybarra and Jana Jones. He shares three life lessons he learned during this political experience.

Kids are overtested at the expense of teaching and learning

Today’s crisis in Idaho education has been caused by an amalgamation of high stakes testing, accountability, markets and privatization tied to the Common Core. Educators often feel compelled to put test preparation ahead of richer forms of teaching.

Idaho citizens are watching crony capitalism in action

The children of Idaho will be the losers if recent history is any indication. A deal is probably quickly being written to clear the governor’s friends and donors from paying back their illegal gain as happened in the Idaho prison scandal.