
Why do I volunteer to be a school board member?

My father taught me that we are all in this together. Life is a shared mission. A united purpose.

The three attitudes of Idaho education

Don’t Rock the Boat

Is education Idaho’s top priority?

If our elected leaders take the same approach to education that they have for many years—offering minimal, inadequate support—we can expect the same results: grossly unequal opportunity and not enough graduates continuing beyond high school.

For the sake of children and teachers: Opt out

We have reached a testing crisis in Idaho and Common Core hasn’t helped. As a current high school English teacher, I know. We are over-testing children, including the new eight-hour Common Core test: the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC).

Ideas for improving the governor’s budget

Idaho Center for Fiscal Policy proposes a reallocation of available resources to increase investment in Idaho education.

Charter commission should stand on its own

After 10 years, it is time to give the state’s Public Charter School Commission its operational freedom so it can get on with its mission of helping provide great choices for Idaho’s students and families.

TFA helps high-need schools and subject areas

We know that the best way to continually improve is in partnership with veteran educators, experts across fields, community organizations, families and our students.

Change begins by supporting public schools

Applaud efforts that make schools better.

Teach for America falls short in special education

TFA is a step toward the de-professionalization of the teaching profession. We can do better. Every child with a disability deserves a world-class education. TFA does not fulfill this mandate, especially for Idaho’s special education students.

Work together to implement recommendations

We have to end this cycle where students perform well in K-12, receive a high school diploma, and then just three months later too many of these same students realize they are woefully unprepared for the real world.