
Back to school message from Duncan

The U.S. Secretary of Education talks about his travels around the country and the challenges educators are facing this year.

Magic will not fix Idaho’s economy

The key difference between the governor’s fantasy world and the real world the rest of us inhabit: Magic.
The governor will need powerful magic if he is to convince us that his recent embrace of education is a genuine priority.

Task force did its work — what’s next?

The Legislature has to hear from us in the coming weeks and months. We will be asking our supporters to call and e-mail legislators urging them to support these task force recommendations.

School fees are unfair, unconstitutional

For Idaho public education to demand fees to register for school or to participate in extra activities is yet another shackle that restrains the ability of Idaho’s poor to receive a quality education.

Thoughts on the first day of school

Teaching is that magic point when curriculum and experience meet someone eager to learn.

New year brings improved standards

Transitioning to these higher standards will be hard work in the initial years, but we all recognize it is the best thing for Idaho’s students and the future of our great state.

Education remains top economic priority

Economic development and education work hand in hand. Students graduating from Idaho schools will become the skilled employees, entrepreneurs and innovators who help our economy grow.

Consider students with disabilities

Idaho won’t launch this new assessment until the 2014-2015 school year. Make sure we are advocating for best practices for all students, special education students included, as we march closer to the new exam.

Education career path started with TFA

Teach for America lit a fire in my heart. I made it my mission to do everything I could to help all students get the excellent education they deserved.

Four honored for their dedication to kids

The “Stick Your Neck Out for Idaho’s Children” awards are presented to individuals who have demonstrated a strong commitment and contributed a positive impact in quality early care and education of children throughout Idaho.