
A broken promise to our kids

The return to attendance-based funding means schools will lose millions of dollars.

I signed on to Idaho Leaders United because I want the very best for our community

This is not the Idaho that I have known, not the atmosphere of common respect with goals for the greater good that was taught when I grew up here.

Privatization: The misinformation campaign by voucher supporters

For the sake of Idaho’s future, we can only hope that “truth” starts lacing up its boots fast.

The North Idaho College debacle demonstrates the dangers of extremism

The hostile take-over was engineered by Brent Regan and his collection of far-right extremists.

Affiliation with the University of Phoenix is great for Idaho

The University of Phoenix has world-class systems. There is a reason they have 85,000 online students.

Remembering and mourning our foreign partners on Memorial Day

Although I rarely find issues upon which I totally agree with Senator Jim Risch, Ukraine is one such issue–an exceedingly important one.

Child Care is Everyone’s Business

As the Idaho Legislature continues to kick the can down the road, our child care crisis will only become worse.

Boise School Board Trustee Andy Hawes Reflects on His Dedicated Service to Students and Issues a Challenge to District Patrons

If you are a parent, sign-up to be a classroom volunteer. Get to know your teachers and school principal. Help your student with homework.

Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

Facility financing in Idaho: Public charter schools have some lessons to offer districts

Through a rigorous vetting process Building Hope approves schools that demonstrate both high-quality academics and financial stability.

Why Higher Education?

Higher education assists in helping people develop higher order thinking skills, thus, enabling the key ability of pondering complex and often contradictory ideas at the same time.