
Why higher education matters

It correlates with better and higher paying employment.

‘Politician’ is not always a dirty word

Critchfield knows there will be disagreements here and there. She welcomes one-on-one visits with legislators to discuss those differences.

A bright silver lining shines through an ugly cloud of misinformation  

HB 71 will be challenged in court and likely be declared unconstitutional.

States should follow Idaho’s lead on public school choice

If reducing discrimination and improving student outcomes aren’t enough to convince state policymakers to implement public school choice, better electoral results should.

Post-legislative tour is about connecting with school leaders

This is an annual State Department of Education practice and its timing is deliberate.

The Charter Commission: authorize, advocate and regulate

Some history might help understand the various roles.

The real obscenity isn’t library porn, it’s propaganda

Laws should be based on fact – not hearsay, rumor, conjecture, anecdote, or innuendo.

Teacher mentoring is highly effective, and deserves more support

Many districts, especially those in rural areas that are strapped for resources, do not offer mentoring on any consistent or regular basis.

Public education fares well this legislative session

The first regular session of the 67th Idaho Legislature has concluded and the overall outcome for public education in Idaho is positive.

Idaho needs a major reset on education choice conversation

While states including Florida, Iowa, Arkansas, Utah and Arizona have expanded choice to improve outcomes, Idaho seems to be stuck in neutral.