
Public education fared better than expected in the 2023 legislative session

Going into the legislative session, it was almost a foregone conclusion that legislators would force taxpayers to start paying parents to send their kids to private and religious schools.

Public libraries exist is to serve the entire community

Libraries already take reasonable steps to protect children. Three bills recently presented in the House and Senate are unnecessary.

Proposal for advisory vote on ‘private schools’ won’t provide good data

Idaho lawmakers voted to advance a bill that would place an advisory measure on the Idaho ballot in 2024 asking voters “should the state of Idaho direct or appropriate public tax dollars to private schools?”

Let’s hope lawmakers aren’t fooled by the privatization advocates

The Legislature is poised to make one of the most consequential decisions in our state’s 133-year history.

The Idaho Legislature needs to solve real issues

What are Republicans in power advancing? One far-right folly after another.

Governor Batt personified what it means to be an Idahoan

He was a man of many talents, including a master of the English language. He used words as a newspaper columnist sparingly, but with the skill of a surgeon to get to the art of a matter.

Idaho cannot go on using the current method of funding our buildings

It is beyond disappointing as a parent and rural school trustee to see Senate Education hold Sen. Dave Lent’s bill on school facilities funding in committee.

Extremist GOP legislators are at it again, attacking our public libraries

The folks unhappy with pornography are attacking the wrong target. Libraries don’t traffic in pornography. That is the job of the internet.

Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

What parents say about Idaho’s Empowering Parents Program

As Idaho works to create an expanded school choice universe for families it is critical that parents have a voice in how these programs evolve and are modified over time.

Legislators need to disclose any self-interest in “school choice” bill

Any lawmaker who  has children enrolled in private or religious schools or who is home schooling should clear the air.