
Letter to fellow citizens and elected officials

Vouchers are a bad idea being pushed by those whose ideology is counter to the first purpose of the Preamble.

Who’s afraid of a little accountability?

Before we consider distributing tax dollars to private schools, let’s make sure that they would have the same accountability requirements that are applied to public schools.

Education union bosses need to get out of the way of universal school choice

“Big Education” Union Bosses and their minions are hard at work spreading fear and false information about Senate Bill 1038, Freedom in Education Savings Accounts. Powerful education unions cling to their monopoly control of education and seem more interested in indoctrinating your children with their leftist ideology than teaching them. They fear that with the…

Leave the private education market alone

This drum needs to be beaten again: The government must control and account for all funds that enters the public coffers.

Education choice checklist – here’s what a program should (and shouldn’t) include

Policymakers should always focus on a simple question: Does the policy allow those closest to the child the ability to make the decision?

What an Idaho school funding lawsuit might look like

Unfortunately, the US Supreme Court has opened a back door to the Idaho treasury–if states provide taxpayer money for private schooling, they must also provide it for religious schooling.

Private schools that accept public dollars should be required to follow laws and rules

Doing so would ensure uniformity, accountability and transparency to taxpayers and parents.

More kids are having bad days: special education after COVID

School leaders are seeing an increase in negative mindsets, a lack of resiliency, and even “suicide ideation” in young children.

The Caldwell School Board disregards the voices of concerned citizens

I stand with those who believe our local school boards’ decisions should reflect our communities’ values and priorities, not be dictated by outside organizations.

A disheartening preview of coming attractions at the Statehouse theater

We have Idaho’s fledgling Attorney General Raul Labrador, going beyond his scripted duties under Idaho law and inserting himself into an education controversy that is none of his business.