
Shut down that troubled charter school? Not so fast.

There are a lot of moving parts to consider when shutting down any school.

Idaho’s teacher shortage de-mystified

All it takes is money, and in the words of Idaho’s Legislature and the late Meatloaf, “I’ll do anything, but I won’t do that.”

Today is a great day for religious freedom, parental rights and school choice

The enormity and importance of this opinion can not be overstated.

Idaho poised to buck demographic trends affecting college enrollment

Due to inward migration, Idaho is in enviable position compared to other states.

Almost Heaven? West Virginia?

Well, we do believe that church and state should be kept separate, and that parents choosing to send their students to religious schools should be free to exercise that choice – and pay for it.

Attorney General Lawrence Wasden is a courageous champion of the law

“It is our collective judgment that Lawrence has faithfully complied with his solemn oath to support the Constitutions of Idaho and the United States,” write six former Idaho attorneys general.

Idaho’s students benefit from best practices internationally

Three of Idaho’s four highest ranked high schools offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program in 11th and 12th grades.

Tax hikes hit property owners — and growing school districts

Inflated property taxes across Idaho have families — and some school leaders — on their toes.

Mental illness: a convenient scapegoat for acts of violence

While hate and anger, even violent rage, are clearly problems that can lead to terrible outcomes, they are not mental illnesses.

Create a strong community to survive times of unrest or crisis

Gathering friends and family provides much needed support for grown-ups and children alike.