
School board members have more in common with firefighters than you might think

They volunteer hundreds of hours and an immeasurable amount of energy to assure our schools are providing the best education possible for the children of our community.

In praise of school board members

On behalf of my colleagues across Idaho, may I express my sincere appreciation for your dedicated service to our students and staff.

How do we best incorporate differing parental input with best professional practices?

Parents are important, and their views are and always have been welcome and sought in educational decision making.

School Board Appreciation Month has added significance

We realized early on during the pandemic that a one-size-fits-all approach was not appropriate.

We can pay respect to our fallen by being better Americans

Let’s mourn and honor them on Memorial Day and pledge that we will not let their sacrifice be for naught.

I was given a hammer in the case we ever had an active shooter on my school campus

It is fantastical how this brand of conservatives makes mental health an integral part of their argument when mass shootings occur.

Idaho should follow West Virginia’s Lead in education freedom

School choice has been said to be the civil rights issue of our time. That’s true for students who are trapped in schools that are not the best for them.

We sent our kids to school today, with trepidation

Our stomachs still turned from Tuesday’s news. Another school shooting. More people dead, mostly young children this time. More families devastated.

It was a monumentally successful night for conservatives

This one was one for the record books, and it could help usher in a new chapter in Idaho’s political history.

  The Idaho Freedom Foundation’s bark is much worse than its bite

Many of the politicians who have danced to its tune in recent years went down to defeat.