
The Anti-Vote

We have numerous examples of politicians preaching state sovereignty via the Constitution of the United States, but then abuse their power and violate policy and laws.

The job of protecting your child from exposure to books falls on your shoulders

Much time was wasted this last legislative session “protecting” Idaho youth from bogeymen and needlessly villainizing dedicated librarians.

Idaho desperately needs help from its independent voters on May 17

Seriously! Registered voter, except those now registered with another party, can lawfully take part in the Republican primary.

It’s time for a positive change in Idaho education

Please join me in supporting Debbie Critchfield on May 17th.

Idaho’s students and schools need an educator at the helm

We need someone at the helm who understands what the job entails.

The Freedom Foundation exists to tear down, not build up

The IFF militates against children, college students, K-16 educators, K-16 support staff, librarians and virtually everyone that does not slavishly adhere to its radical ideology.

The facts – and my experience – speak for themselves

It’s no exaggeration to say Idaho has enjoyed impressive gains in educational achievement, and the statistics I cite clearly demonstrate how Idaho student performance has improved under my leadership.

No one wants to be ‘that parent’ in school sports

By working through the coaches and then the building administration, perhaps we can solve more of our problems than letting them be pushed to people at the district office, who really are not involved directly with the situation and have to play catch-up to learn about the issues. 

The ‘parent lens’ of success in school sports

Sometimes the truth hurts. Parents need to trust that coaches have the best intentions for their teams, even if it isn’t exactly what the parents want.

The right leader with the right vision: Debbie Critchfield for state superintendent

She has dedicated years of her life to doing what is best for public education.