
Idaho’s schools are not failing – let’s recognize their success

There are no consequences for making disparaging and inaccurate accusations against Idaho’s public schools, nor in characterizing the state of education in Idaho as failing.

Positive emotions lead to higher achievement

The way students feel about themselves and about particular educational tasks influences their success.

Top-down politics are tumultuous, bottom-up brings Idaho back to the people!

We need more everyday folks representing our everyday interests.

Let’s prepare Idaho kids for Idaho jobs

I believe that we are responsible for developing adults who can manage their personal and financial decisions.

Education-savings accounts will help employers stand out in the job market

We know from experience that Idaho’s 529 College Savings Program is a valuable tool to recruit and retain quality employees.

The Idaho Freedom Foundation has failed to provide factual information

In fact, their research methodology is so shoddy, it wouldn’t pass the basic research requirements of an eighth grade English class.

Idaho Republicans need to stop blocking school choice

Idaho Republicans should stop kicking the can down the road and make a plan to expand school choice as soon as possible.

 A letter to the Idaho Legislature from the Associated Students of University of Idaho 

It is our strongest held belief that providing resources at every stage of the higher education process makes for high quality students.

From a librarian: No standard could ever match all tastes and preferences

It would be too easy to make a joke about the number assigned to this Bill. But as legislators vilify librarians and other educators as pornography pushers, it leads one to wonder where the real evil lies.

A parent’s letter to Gov. Little and the legislature

We should not be sanitizing what kids learn in school, we should be helping them understand the things they see in the world around them.