
It’s time for local school boards to step up to the plate on climate education

My generation of Idahoans should be prepared to tackle the challenges of our time and compete with students from other states.

Facebook, farms and finances: Why some districts have the best facilities and others don’t

There’s a reason for the disparity in Idaho, and it starts with your zip code.

An open letter to Idaho educators

You are on the front line, the boots on the ground, and I am incredibly grateful for your commitment

Legislators have ignored their duty under the Constitution

A voucher scholarship bill, House Bill 669, would provide taxpayers money for private and religious schooling in direct violation of the Idaho Constitution.

Idaho Freedom Foundation pushes for new welfare program

The organization supports a system where parents get tax money to fund their children’s education — a redistribution of tax dollars in Idaho.

All-day kindergarten – boon or boondoggle?

The next level of educational success requires us to invest in parents rather than exclusively in the education system.

Why I love teaching

In the midst of the Great Resignation, I sometimes wonder why I left the classroom and contemplate if I will go back to one next year.

We should heed George Washington’s warning against partisanship

Idaho’s almost 310,000 independent voters would have no say in the selection between these types of candidates if highly-partisan Republicans have their way.

Support policies that support retention

There are currently 28,214 people who hold instructional certificates in Idaho, but as of Dec.31, 2021, there were a total of 17,813 teaching positions. This means there are currently over 10,000 certified teachers in Idaho who are choosing not to teach.

We represent Idaho, not the Idaho Freedom Foundation

As elected officials, we represent the people of Idaho, not the interests of extremist groups trying to destroy our state.