
The vaccine is our best shot at keeping kids in school

Our main defense in ensuring the new school year is entirely in-person – free from outbreaks and quarantines – is the COVID-19 vaccine. 

The vaccine could save us, if we let it

Death from COVID-19 is now largely preventable. Everyone must do their part to get more people vaccinated.

School superintendents ignore record of failure

It’s time to ignore the rhetoric of the education establishment. It’s time to free students from the failure that is the government school system.

State Board delays action on a draft policy on diversity, equity and inclusion

Instead, board members will wait until their meeting in October.  The reason is simple; they want to provide more opportunity for public input.

The importance of kindergarten assessments and literacy

we need to be utilizing every strategy and opportunity to help Idaho students achieve at their highest level.

Cycle of toxic productivity: The problem with our school culture

The cycle of toxic productivity starts when we begin to associate part of our worth with subjective productive outcomes like good grades.

Workers are people, not mice

The Legislature should convene immediately to consider legislation for protecting worker rights in making medical decisions for themselves without discrimination or threats of losing their jobs.

Return local control to our communities and school boards

Stop giving credence to special interest groups trying to divide us.

Helping Education Dreams Come True for 20 Years

IDeal has helped parents, grandparents, relatives and employers save for higher education, transformed the lives of Idahoans who have pursued their dreams, and contributed to a more educated and skilled workforce.

How can the worst school year ever bring us together?

Education is clearly of value to Idahoans, so let’s come together to invest in it and work to grow a better public education system for all of us.