Educators, community members and students share their opinions about Idaho education.
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I have questions for Lt. Gov. McGeachin and her Indoctrination Task Force
I’m a teacher in the Boise School District and would like to know more.
Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures
I want to see public schools be a place free from discrimination or where one-sided, politicized curriculum is coerced on children’s impressionable minds.
I trust my students can weigh the arguments that abound in our society
It is my stated intention, not to prove the legitimacy of any one perspective, but to prove the necessity of access to all perspectives.
K-12 budget fiasco the latest example of legislative dysfunction
It seems that Idaho lawmakers are intentionally dismantling public education through underfunding of schools, canceling the voices of professional educators, and extremist grandstanding.
Idaho legislators have sunk to a new low
Let’s support and move our students forward, not stifle or downgrade the educational processes through fear and false accusations to push a political agenda.
Idaho makes its mark on the discussion of diverse ideas
As a teacher, it is my job to present facts to students and have them critically analyze the content. I encourage discussions and inquiry that are backed by evidence.
Open letter to Idaho House of Representatives
This letter to the Idaho House of Representatives was signed by nearly 100 members of Idaho Business for Education, a business group working to strengthen education in Idaho.
Idaho needs better support of early childhood education
Idaho must do better — because the future of our children should not be determined like a lottery ticket. Luck or which district you live in should not have anything to do with it.
HB294: Still a voucher bill in grant programs clothing
We do not support public tax dollars funding institutions that have no accountability to taxpayers, citizens, parents, or the Legislature.
Idaho AEYC serves as an organizer, connector and resource
Idaho’s residents and elected officials know better than to believe the misinformation being shared by naysayers.