Educators, community members and students share their opinions about Idaho education.
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Schools are open, and teachers want to teach
Let’s remember to extend a little daily grace to our friends and fellow community members in these unprecedented times, from the grocery store clerk to the neighborhood school teacher.
Lawmakers track steps for schools
Let’s hit those step goals and earn money for Idaho schools and encourage everyone to be active.
Building Idaho’s future requires looking forward, not back
There has been a lot of focus on the past 11 months. That is fine, but Idahoans are better served when we focus on our future.
Memo to Rep. Ehardt: Support Idaho’s teachers, don’t demean them
Please stand up for us, stand up for our students, stand up for education.
To be informed is to see the flawed world we live in
I believe it is the responsibility of every person to not shy away from this truth but to confront it.
Match expectations for teachers with increased levels of support
The better we support our teachers, the better they will be able to support our students.
Mob Rules in Idaho, poor leadership is actively putting its citizenry in danger: We need help.
Idaho is experiencing a critical lack of public safety at the height of a global pandemic.
We scored some seats … to a high school basketball game
A night of hoops underscored growing desires for normalcy during a lingering global pandemic — despite COVID-19’s ongoing impacts.
The push to bridge Idaho’s digital divide
Idaho’s public education system is far better positioned coming out of the pandemic from a technology standpoint than we were a year ago.
Teacher vaccinations and prioritizing safe schools demonstrates leadership
What I’m most worried about, is the local and national trend showing a decline in student enrollment.