
We support students when we support teachers

My plan to raise teacher pay includes a strong accountability system that is focused on student growth and proficiency and advanced professional practice.

Developing accountability goals that are realistic and achievable

The Board has come to realize that perhaps we put too much emphasis on student proficiency and not enough on growth.

Marsing embraces the Community School Strategy

It’s a concept based on the idea that students learn best when their physical and emotional needs are met.

Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

Idaho’s public charter schools serve our children well

They are not a replacement for traditional public schools. Rather, they are allies in helping Idaho improve its education system and in providing options for families.

Don’t buy into the failure story line

Instead, we should focus on closing the achievement gap between our Hispanic, American Indian and low-income students and their Caucasian and more affluent peers.

Bishop Kelly: A community of service

We had a chance to visit with four stellar seniors who shared their Service Learning projects and trips.

Using “Common Core” to politicize public education

The politicizing of education furthers my resolve to be a voice for reason, critical thinking and common sense in the Legislature.

Sick of supplemental levies? Then Invest in Idaho

Reclaim Idaho is picking up the Legislature’s slack.

A big step for early childhood education in Idaho

This grant and the wealth of knowledge gained will provide Idaho with a historical opportunity to make strategic investments in the improvement of early childhood education delivery and the trajectory of our children’s education.

I am a big fan of community college and trade schools

They are a good start if you’re trying to help your high school graduate decide what post secondary education to pursue.