Educators, community members and students share their opinions about Idaho education.
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Is Ybarra a leader for schools, or glorified secretary?
The lead player is the governor, who runs on education platforms and ultimately is judged according to the quality of the public schools.
It’s back to school week for our girls … sort of
Face masks, a delayed start to the school year, a baby on the way — we’re gearing up for the most uncertain school year of our lifetimes.
We hear you: A letter to Idaho moms
Parents: We won’t forget you. We will go to the mat for you. We have your back.
Support Liability Reform Bill in Special Legislative Session
In order to move back to economic health and/or open schools and businesses, the threat of lawsuits during a pandemic in Idaho is extremely disruptive.
School leaders do not have the luxury of ideological debate
They must make hard and difficult decisions on how to reopen their schools. Their decision is made only harder when people ignore the science and the health experts, leading to the surge we see now.
Higher education is the key to Idaho’s post-pandemic recovery
“Adversity” seems to be a fitting theme for 2020. Let’s change the narrative for the remainder of the year and beyond to, “Opportunity.”
“No Accountability” legislation: Bad policy, wrong message
Big business would benefit from this legislation — Idaho schools would not.
Planning an in-person fall at the University of Idaho
We are looking forward to that return of students this year more than ever.
Address Common Core’s shortcomings, don’t start from scratch
Idaho would do far better to look to states which have improved upon the Common Core rather than those that have attempted a complete overhaul of existing standards.
If we are not careful, we will miss the chance to rid Idaho of Common Core
Without citizen input, education standards are in jeopardy of remaining the same. Join the fight.