
Let’s get Idaho online

Governor Brad Little’s Broadband Task Force has recommendations on how we can ensure that all Idahoans have access to high-speed internet.

Invest in our kids — they’re worth it

I encourage you to spread the word about the Invest in Idaho initiative and urge your friends and neighbors to sign it.

Idaho Education Association’s real agenda: money and power

Let’s set the record straight: The IEA is a labor union, and as a labor union it is concerned about its power and the maintenance of it.

Today was a good day to be mom

I chaperoned second graders on a field trip to the Idaho Discovery Center in Boise.

The dangerous world of vaping

Our representatives must make it harder for teens to access vape products, giving parents, educators, school administrators, and law enforcement a much-needed assist.

Bennett Mountain creates a culture of acceptance and achievement

Contributing to their student-centered approach, this Mountain Home school provides daycare for its teen parents.

Meeting regional workforce needs through higher education

Connecting education to careers is critical to the economic competitiveness of the state.

IEA checklist goes beyond dollars spent

IEA President: “Let’s create a picture of what we want our schools to look like and build a budget on making that happen.”

BYU-Idaho students are truly thankful this week

The university is reversing its decision and allowing students to enroll in Medicaid again.

Supporting Idaho schools and students

Together, we can and will help our students dream, lead and achieve!