Educators, community members and students share their opinions about Idaho education.
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Leaders Must Lead During Global Pandemic
I applaud the governor for putting public health first, even at the dismay of many of my conservative colleagues who have been pressuring him to put business first.
Idaho Business for Education’s Community Activation Project
Here’s how you can help get computers to kids.
Surviving self-isolation with three school-age girls
So this is the new reality: We are home. A lot. Kids and parents, together. This has the potential to be a lot of … a lot of things. We can have a lot of tantrums or try to figure out how to make the best of this time. We are a family of five,…
We recognized the need for structure and education
How our family is dealing with isolation during the pandemic. What is your family doing to cope?
We’re here for our students — and we miss them!
It is worth remembering during this difficult situation that our most vulnerable students need us now more than ever.
Here’s help for meeting the needs of all students during these turbulent times
Here are some high-quality, free resources educators will find helpful when school buildings are closed.
We need compassionate leadership
We need leadership that focuses on the most timely and relevant issues at hand.
Legislature’s priorities aren’t serving Idahoans
Now more than ever, we need to put aside political games and focus on the best interest of Idaho families.
Idaho schools adapting quickly to meet student needs
Idahoans are resilient and we have top-notch state and local leaders dedicated to ensuring that we come out of this stronger and better able to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.
Finding lemonade in the big old batch of lemons the coronavirus has given us
Give credit to Gov. Little and the Legislature for their conservative approach to budgeting and preparing for an economic downturn.