
Educators, community members and students share their opinions about Idaho education.

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The Report Card no Idaho parent wants

The results are dismal but they provide a clear picture of where we need to improve.

We are failing our children

We need to re-think our notion of school and the time to do it is now. In fact, it is way past time!

Zombie Alert: The Content Standards haters are back!

I urge Idahoans to oppose the knee-jerk, meat cleaver approach to educational policy favored by extremist legislators and the always histrionic and chronically unhappy Idaho Freedom Foundation.

A different way to compare literacy proficiency

It seems inappropriate, or at least unfair, to compare a charter school’s outcomes with a school district’s outcome.

Do you have family rules about screen time?

Does your family have conversations about technology usage in your home?

Storms are brewing for this legislative session

This is not going to be your typical election-year “caretaker” session, and maybe not an easy one for the governor.

I support legislators who acknowledge the teacher crisis

Our state leadership must act with urgency unless hemorrhaging our very best educators is now an accepted status quo.

I support creative teacher compensation systems

That’s why I voted “no” on supporting an expansion of the state’s “career ladder.”

Idahoans won’t be ignored about Common Core

It appears the State Board ignored the valid Common Core critiques leveled by concerned Idahoans. That’s shameful.

2020 resolution: Let’s talk about what ails the public education system

People need to feel free to openly question whether the government-run education monopoly is the best we can do.