
Educators, community members and students share their opinions about Idaho education.

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By failing to prepare, we are preparing to fail

It is clear that education is an area where our values and policies are not in sync.

Social justice agendas are incompatible with the cost and purpose of higher education

No one group has a monopoly on ideas or solutions that we need to improve the human condition for years to come.

How do you feel about mastery programs?

No one benefits from moving a student to a more complex subject without understanding the basics. 

Legislators need to confront local funding as they consider rewriting the state funding formula

A school districts ability to provide a quality education to its students should not be anchored to their ability to tax property value.

Test scores continue to flounder while Ybarra celebrates ‘skinniest kid at fat camp’

Candy coating the truth about education results won’t improve schools or help their students. 

Community Schools in the Boise School District

These bright spots in teaching and learning provide wrap-around services for students and families.

Resources to help students plan for their future

Here are the ones I found most helpful. Do you have others?

Let’s all “Invest in Idaho”

The ballot initiative is designed to invest up to $200 million per year in Idaho’s K-12 public schools, paid for with zero new taxes on those earning less than a quarter-million dollars per year.

October is “Next Steps” month in Idaho

It’s time to encourage students, particularly in the 11th and 12th grade, to explore options and discover that further education and a promising career is within reach.

The good and bad news from fall reading scores

Just a few years ago fewer than half of our students were not prepared for kindergarten. Now almost six out of 10. Clearly, our state is moving in the wrong direction.