
Do you talk to your kids about sex?

How do you start the conversation?

Boise schools leaders oppose changes to guns-in-schools law

We believe student and staff safety is a local control issue that should be delegated to individual school districts.

Hoffman’s negative article is far removed from reality

Public education is the greatest discovery made by modern society.

Why is Idaho at risk?

We hope our new report encourages candid and necessary conversations regarding what citizens want for the future of Idaho.

The struggle is real: snow boots and coats

My kids don’t want to wear them even though it’s cold and snowing. What are winter mornings like in your house?

Need based-aid helps bridge the gap

Gov. Little’s Opportunity Scholarship proposal represents much-needed investment in our students, our state and our shared future.

Funding formula rewrite is a dud

“To the degree that we’re stuck with it, the Legislature should pass a school funding formula that empowers students to pursue the best education for themselves.”

I support the charter school administrator bill

There are great leaders who are capable of running great schools in our midst. Just because their pathway to education was different, does not mean they will not be effective.

Why school choice has worked for us

We’re thankful that we had the chance to pick the right school for our needs.

What I learned from Advanced Opportunities night

Advanced classes could make a big impact on your high schooler’s future education and finances.