Educators, community members and students share their opinions about Idaho education.
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Charter School Commission Executive Session Comments were Hurtful
As Board President, I will not make excuses for comments that disparage individuals, schools or communities. Critical discussions do need to take place in executive session in order to protect student privacy as required by state and federal law.
CodeWorks program prepares students for real-world jobs
When Ramsey Bland decided to apply for a 13-week immersion class at Boise CodeWorks, the only computer code he knew was the bar code on the side of a pizza box.
When it comes to the charter commission, don’t throw the baby out with the bath water
Any structural changes that might be made need to be well-considered and publicly debated. History and context matter here.
Idaho’s public colleges’ “inclusion” efforts promote victimhood
There should be no tolerance for policies or expenditures that cater to the culture of victimhood, which is becoming all too common on campuses throughout the country.
Idaho Public Charter School Commission: Tell us how you really feel
Instead of generating goals for charter schools, the IPCSC should make a goal for receiving training on Idaho’s Open Meeting laws.
What went wrong with Idaho’s charter school movement
The schools are not failing. The leadership is failing.
Delivering on our brave and bold mission
This university’s mission is to serve our state’s citizens, communities and industries. For Idaho to thrive, U of I has to deliver on that mission.
Did you know that the Idaho State Museum was recently renovated?
My family was fascinated.
Educators set standards for master educator premiums
It is important that Levi Cavener and readers know the facts about why and how the standards were developed in the first place.
When it comes to educating students, Idahoans seem to have endless ideas and opinions
More than seven out of 10 teachers, school administrators and business leaders agree that the personal and intellectual growth of students is more important than preparing students for specific jobs.