Educators, community members and students share their opinions about Idaho education.
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Thank you teachers for helping me keep my children safe
Thank you for covering the difficult topics and helping me to start the conversation at home.
The speech I couldn’t give due to my dad’s death
I wanted to share with my fellow graduating seniors four major lessons that this last year has taught me.
Task forces have not fixed education and it’s obvious why
After decades of studies and billions of dollars spent, maybe it’s time to admit the state is doing education all wrong.
Take your kids to Warhawk Air Museum
It’s also an ideal way to celebrate Memorial Day.
Did you take your school’s survey?
What questions felt really important to you?
Now is the time to take care of Idaho’s veteran teachers
New law underscores compensation issue needing immediate attention.
Rural charter schools can work for Idaho families and children
They add value to a community and create learning opportunities for families and children that wouldn’t exist otherwise.
Tuition increases need to occur less often
A college education is a great investment for individuals and for our state as a whole. We all have a stake in keeping it as affordable as we possibly can. Our students are depending on us.
I was shocked at the cost to play high school football
What are the fees at your school? Do you feel like it’s too high?
School lessons, textbooks should be scrutinized for leftist teachings
Cartoon depictions on the ceiling at Wood River High School are but a symptom of a greater problem, that of kids being presented with a biased view of what American government is all about.