
If Idaho achieves its 60 percent goal, everyone benefits

But accomplishing it will take bold leadership, further investment, wise choices and laser-like focus.

Idaho’s career information system helps students and adults to find the right career

The program is built around multiple assessments that take into account different learning styles and work values that also helps students decide what they want to do. 

Teachers everywhere, thank you

What are some of the important/fun things your kids have learned from their teachers?

Idaho’s Opportunity Scholarship for Adult Learners; a ticket to success

The State Board is teaming with the Idaho Workforce Development Council to get the word out.

Incidents like Middleton’s cause lasting damage to students of color

When a student of Mexican descent sees those teachers in costumes promoting the degradation of the Mexican culture they receive the message that they are not welcomed.

Family mealtimes offer a host of benefits for children

The opportunity to have conversations around the table and connect with one another is one more reason to make it a priority not just during the holidays, but all year long.

Do you think security systems deter school shootings?

What security measures would you like to see at your school?

Wear your sticker with pride

Let’s show our kids how much we value our right to vote.

Do your kids get enough sleep?

Maybe we should all move to Blackfoot.