
Idaho students are being short-changed in their education

When elected, I plan to request a “needs-based” budget, one that clearly identifies and then fully funds the needs of all Idaho children — equally and without discrimination.

Our kids will take a new reading test this year

I look forward to talking to my daughter and her teacher about the results.

One board serves Idaho education very well

Public education in Idaho works because it is a system-wide approach that is holistic, efficient and effective.

Board budget proposals designed to improve Idaho’s go-on rate

State Board of Education researchers estimate the “go-on” rate could increase five to 10 percent annually if summer melt is effectively addressed. 

How do you teach your children to deal with conflict?

These playground tips apply to adults as well.

An open letter to the Meridian City Council

Approve a project to build a new high school because West Ada School District is bursting at the seams.

State Board committed to addressing Magic Valley’s teacher shortage

If Idaho State University cannot improve its offerings, the Board may make it possible for the College of Southern Idaho to offer a four-year education degree.

Media attention on campaign staffing issues distracts from real issues

While I prefer to focus on my plans to improve the lives of all Idahoans, instead, I must set the record straight about something most voters find uninteresting: campaign staff reorganization.

How engaged are students at your school?

A state survey indicates nearly a third of Idaho’s children are not engaged in their learning.

Bluum CEO Terry Ryan

Collaborators: How universities and colleges work with public charter schools

Some of the most exciting and powerful things happening in public education in America involve partnerships between public charter schools and higher education institutions.