
Consider these factors when choosing a kindergarten

A child’s first school experience will have a tremendous impact on their future.

Parents aren’t getting straight answers about school performance

Parents need and deserve honesty. That means straight answers on how well — or how poorly — Idaho’s schools are doing so we can do what’s best for kids.

When are we going to learn?

We live in a state whose leaders claim to have common sense, but they sure don’t show it.

Career technical education: A future with promise

Employers need skilled workers so they are partnering with education to make sure the talent pipeline is producing the workers they need.

I have a love/hate relationship with the end of summer

I asked a few questions about school supplies.

Stakeholders are at the heart of initiative to keep students safe

I am proud of our outreach and more than pleased with the thousands of thoughtful, helpful comments we’ve gathered. The initiative will be stronger and richer for their input.

Still a long way to go on educator compensation

Progress? Absolutely. But let’s not celebrate prematurely.

Women are more likely than men to continue their education

If Idaho is to meet workforce needs, we have to find ways to encourage more male students to emulate what most of their female classmates are doing.

This teacher violated a parent’s trust

How do we, as parents, safeguard our children from abuse at school?

Back to school nutrition tips

Together we can continue to build a healthy, high-achieving generation of youth.