
Too many kids start school too far behind

Idaho needs to invest state dollars in high-quality preschool options for families.

Leadership is key to making higher ed more accessible and affordable

The Task Force and the State Board of Education have given legislators the blueprint for success. Now it’s time for them to act decisively for Idaho’s future.

Idaho education can be first class — with a new governor

What is the problem facing Idaho’s education system today?  It’s simple: lack of leadership. 

Great teachers share these attributes

What I have noticed as a parent of seven kids — with a collective 58 years of schooling.

Educational success for kids depends on the existence of choices

I will never say the path I have chosen is the “only” path, nor is it the right path for everyone. It is what is best for us, made possible by options.

Idaho has a golden opportunity to grow its physician workforce

State investment in residency programs makes sense for Idaho. Training more doctors will lead to healthier Idahoans, economic benefits and returns on investment that far outweigh the costs.

Male students are being denied an equal opportunity

The University of Idaho needs to move into the 21st century and stop limiting student education based on assumptions drawn from decades earlier.

Let’s be informed, be involved and be heard

I want education in Idaho to improve. Let’s work together towards change.

Do our kids spend enough time in school?

I worry that long breaks and early release days will be detrimental to my kids’ education.

Shackled education pioneers — Idaho’s public charter schools

Despite the many challenges and constraints, Idaho’s charter schools have earned the right to the operational flexibilities that defined the intent of the original charter school law.