
What do we expect public schools to teach our children?

Is the public school system responsible for teaching our kids about morality and ethics?
What do you think?

I appreciate grades and regular progress reports

Do you have punishments for poor grades or rewards for good grades? Share with me what works for you and your family.

It is time to act on special education problem

Finding qualified special education teachers — particularly in rural areas — is just about as easy as electing a Democrat to a state office. Good luck! Our exceptional children deserve the best.

My first steps to learning more about Idaho politics

This is a really important year for Idaho education and its elected officials.

My New Year’s Resolution: Learn about local politics

I need to better understand the politicians and the policies that shape teaching and learning. Join me as I follow the Legislature and become an informed voter in 2018.

Graduation improvements and successes

Increasing degree and certificate rates for Idahoans is an important cultural change. Like most cultural changes, we must make continued, consistent efforts on multiple fronts to achieve important goals.

Are college classes and entrance exams worth the time and money?

It would be good if the people making decisions about these programs would talk with the people who are tasked with carrying out the mandate in order to make improvements that will benefit all concerned.

Sleep, play and read — keeping kids busy over the holiday

We have a family rule; no electronic devices during daylight hours.

Fix broken college education system before adding students

Get-a-degree reforms have yet to bear the fruit to merit the state government’s myopic insistence that more kids enter the higher education system.

How to keep kids safe in our digital world

Here are some tips. What do you do to keep your kids safe online?