Idaho State, College of Eastern Idaho expand partnership

IDAHO FALLS — Idaho’s newest community college has announced five new articulation agreements with Idaho State University.

The “2+2” agreements are designed to facilitate the transition of students from the College of Eastern Idaho to ISU: two years of associate’s degree coursework at the community college followed by two years of bachelor’s degree coursework at the university.

Though third- and fourth-year participants enrolled at ISU will pay the university’s higher tuition, some will be able to keep attending classes at the university’s Idaho Falls-based University Place campus, said CEI spokesman Todd Wightman.

“The goal is to have a student start at CEI, stay close to home, save money and then complete a bachelor’s degree at ISU without traveling to Pocatello,” Wightman said.

Currently, CEI’s full-time semester tuition is $1,202, or roughly one-third less than ISU’s $3,710.

The five new articulation programs include:

  • Art
  • Sociology
  • Social work
  • Separate arts and science bachelor’s degrees in geology.

In June, the institutions forged their first articulation agreement for CEI students pursuing a general studies associate’s degree. The program allows these students to continue a bachelor’s degree in business at ISU.

Wightman said students must meet with advisors for further details about the program. Participants must also complete an associate’s degree at CEI for the program to work, he added.

The expanded partnership comes in the wake of overall enrollment declines at ISU and rapid increases at CEI. Click here for an in-depth look at how the new community college is changing East Idaho’s education landscape, including enrollment trends.

Devin Bodkin

Devin Bodkin

Devin was formerly a senior reporter and editor for Idaho Education News and now works for INL in communications.

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