Little says legislators should consider delaying session or going virtual

House Minority Leader Ilana Rubel, D-Boise, also calls for legislators to postpone the session until a vaccine is widely available.

Little: Hospitals face a worsening crisis from the pandemic

“We remain at a dangerous precipice,” Gov. Brad Little said Thursday. The governor didn’t say much about school operations, and again voiced opposition to a statewide mask mandate.

State board reinforces governor’s order: Only 10 spectators at events

The State Board resolution is in response to pressure on school districts, and reports of districts violating Gov. Brad Little’s “Stay Healthy” order.

Projected state budget surplus grows to $600 million

Gov. Little is preparing a proposal that would combine tax cuts and investments in education, transportation and water projects.

Analysis: A long, slow, frightening road to post-pandemic ‘normal’

Gov. Brad Little is pinning his hopes for normalcy on promising vaccines. But Idahoans seem to be giving up on pretty much everything else — such as containing the coronavirus, and having a real discussion about pandemic policy.

State Board hosts summit on supporting student mental health

Students and state leaders said they need access to more counselors, and collaboration between agencies and communities.

West Ada shakeup continues with another school board resignation

Rather than fight a recall, board chairman Philip Neuhoff resigned late Tuesday night.

It’s coming: first shipment of COVID vaccine could reach Idaho next week

Under the state’s plan, teachers and K-12 staff could be vaccinated this winter.

State Board reverses course, makes enrollment reporting rule temporary

Changing to a temporary rule gives the Legislature more options and allows the state to review corrected enrollment data expected to be available in January.

Central District Health votes ‘no’ on order, prep sports already taken off

The authority to open schools and allow sports and other activities will remain with local school boards.