West Ada elementary students could return to full-time learning by the end of October

The district IT team continues to work through connectivity issues as students return to a blend of at-home and in-person learning.

McGeachin expresses concern over education funding proposal, then skips vote

The lieutenant governor posted a picture of herself driving to a political fundraiser Tuesday.

CARES Act: A $313 million federal cash infusion into Idaho education

Here’s a closer look at where the feds’ money went, and where it might be going.

Sheriff’s office seeking felony charges against juveniles who targeted Plummer-Worley school bus

A video showed multiple youth throwing rocks at the school bus carrying Lakeside High football players, police said.

College acceptance letters will be available online starting Tuesday

The acceptance letters will be available on the State Board of Education’s Next Steps and Apply Idaho website.

‘We’re in it together’: Teacher and son both battle cancer

The Kimpels have undergone countless tests, treatments, surgeries and periods of remission and recurrence over the years.

Unknown object shot at bus carrying Plummer-Worley students after football game

No students were seriously hurt. The police have not released details on the specifics of the incident or any potential motivation.

State could use federal dollars to reverse $99 million in K-12 cuts

The $99 million won’t necessarily bring back teacher pay raises, since local school leaders will decide how to spend their share.

DeVos tells states to plan on administering standardized tests

After a one-year reprieve due to the coronavirus pandemic, testing is back on this year.

Analysis: West Ada and Boise are reopening, but ‘the hard part is staying open’

The state’s two largest school districts are likely to face the same reopening challenges that have confronted other Idaho schools — just on a larger scale.