Idaho’s largest school districts cleared for in-person class

New health recommendations impact some 124,000 students. Payette county, on Idaho’s western border with Oregon, is the only county where health officials still report high risk of COVID spread.

IEA calls on Little to reverse education budget holdbacks

With state revenues beating forecasts by almost $70 million, IEA leaders said its time to restore education funding and unfreeze teacher pay.

Last-minute change meant whiplash for child nutrition programs

Federal rules now give school districts a choice: Continue providing free breakfast and lunch to all kids or run the typical National School Lunch Program.

State revenues beat projections as budget picture improves

Revenues are important because they provide the building blocks of the state budget. K-12 is Idaho’s biggest budget expense.

For West Ada and Boise schools, yellow means go … gradually

West Ada students will be back in school starting Monday. The Boise School District will begin allowing students back in school on Sept. 21.

West Ada starts the first day back with connectivity issues

The district says web-filtering issues and problems with national service Blackboard are slowing down connectivity.

Analysis: The school year gets off to a chaotic start, but that was the plan

It’s local control in action. With trustees in 115 school districts calling the shots, the reopening process is inherently messy.

Little says he’s in no rush to change school closure authority laws

The Legislature has signaled it will take up a number of issues in 2021.