Teacher bonus announcements delayed

The State Board now hopes to notify applicants for the Master Educator Premium program by late September.

Middleton wants to write its own reopening metrics

Trustees also postponed the start of school by three weeks. In other news, more counties are under mask mandates.

Fall semester is looming. So, how many students will come to campus?

College and university leaders simply don’t know as they wrestle with complicated health and safety issues during a pandemic.

ISBA director urges school boards to follow public health guidance

Even though the guidance is nonbinding, ISBA leaders said ignoring it could open schools up to lawsuits even if the Legislature passes liability protection.

Caldwell pivots to start school online this fall

Trustees abandoned a plan to reopen with hybrid-learning as Canyon County continues to see a high-risk of COVID-19.

No fall sports in the Mountain West: coronavirus news roundup, 8.10.20

In other news, Central District Health did not change schools’ rankings in coronavirus risk categories this week.

Legislative working group wants to change school closure authority

The working group wants to take authority to close schools away from public health districts.

‘A lot to learn’: 27-year teacher goes digital during coronavirus

For the first time in her career, Kristin Barrus won’t greet students at her classroom door but through a computer screen from home.

Education news from around Idaho

A social media giveaway, a big award for a Boise teacher and more education news from around the Gem State.