Widespread uncertainty transforms teaching

Schools scramble to reach kids during Gov. Brad Little’s stay-home order.

Analysis: After one long month of March, 2020 resembles 2008

An infusion of federal money will help fill holes in Idaho’s education budget — in the short run. But the recent history is sobering; it took years for education to recover from cuts made during the Great Recession.

School boards switch to virtual meetings

The public must still be allowed to watch or listen.

Idaho coronavirus update, 4.1.20: State cancels high school SAT Day

Education leaders are already pursuing options for juniors to take the SAT in the summer or fall instead.

Superintendent shuffles: A separation deal, a firing and a list of recent hires

Find out who will — and won’t — be leading Idaho’s schools this fall.

Yes, there will be a spring primary. Here’s what to look for.

Let’s take a break from talking coronavirus to talk politics. How will this primary election work? What’s at stake? And who will vote?

Advice from an online educator

Jason Bransford, CEO of Idaho’s Gem Innovation Schools, says the coronavirus crisis gives educators a chance to connect with kids in new ways, including online.

Nampa connects with kids who don’t have reliable Internet, or a home

The district’s 14,000 students went back to school Tuesday — online. Generally, the feedback was encouraging.

Little urges Idahoans to adhere to stay-home order or risk spike in COVID-19 cases

Idaho’s governor estimated it will take another nine days to see positive results of the stay-home order. And even with the order, state officials expect confirmed cases to increase in the coming days.

At the heart of Idaho’s coronavirus outbreak, Blaine County officials ponder the future

Despite the highest per-capita coronavirus rates in the state, trustees aren’t ruling out reopening school later this spring. “I don’t want to get too mired down right now in looking too far in the future,” trustee Rob Clayton said Monday.