Statehouse roundup, 2.8.24: State plan to fund school facilities introduced

MORE INSIDE: a budget battle led to a House leadership ouster.

Employee survey indicates support for Phoenix purchase

But months after the proposed $685 million University of Phoenix purchase went public, many U of I employees still said they had no opinions about the purchase, or were unsure about it.

Analysis: Budgeting is hard. This year, it could be tougher than ever.

In a spending season that is off to anything but a smooth start, two of Gov. Brad Little’s favorite education programs sit squarely in legislative limbo.

Statehouse roundup, 2.7.24: A ‘combination’ library bill emerges

In other Wednesday news, budget-writers dig into the State Board of Education’s requests, and a resolution on the University of Phoenix purchase falls off the agenda, at least for today.

Pie Day puts smiles on lawmakers’ faces

There’s one day that both sides of the aisle agree is marvelous.

Pocatello trustees urged to “speed up” decisions on Highland rebuild

They differ on priorities, but seemed to agree Tuesday that a bond would be the best way to rebuild.

Leaders scrutinize merits of proposals as money dwindles

About $10 million is left of Superintendent Debbie Critchfield’s Idaho Career Ready Students grant.

Statehouse roundup, 2.6.24: Bill to shorten library board terms advances

INSIDE: Bills expanding CTE scholarship expenses, revising digital learning agency funding formula head to the House floor

Wanted: Professionals and retirees to teach high school CTE courses

Schools must attract converts from industry with job experience to lead CTE programs that guide teenagers directly into the workplace.

Bill that would require children to opt in to vaccine registry heads to House floor

Doctors said the bill could create millions in overhead costs for clinics to change their reporting procedures.