Education News from Around Idaho

Catch up on the latest school grant and volunteer opportunities, and see how one district beefed up its security.

Bonneville postpones hiring a deputy superintendent for financial and political reasons

The decision is to replace a six-figure payout to the former superintendent and appease the community.

Districts ponder next steps after failed bond issues

Aug. 27 was a rough election day for school districts across Idaho. Six bond issues failed, leaving more than $154 million in school projects in limbo.

Ybarra budget request includes salary boost for veteran teachers

The state superintendent wants an additional $40 million to keep experienced teachers in the classroom. All told, her budget request includes slightly more than $100 million in new spending.

She’s a conservationist, scholar and 14-year-old college student

Pangaea Finn has a remarkable resume because she keeps stocking her “intellectual refrigerator.”

School districts move to adopt uniform emergency language

This fall, students across the Treasure Valley – and the state – will learn the same emergency procedures, in an effort to streamline school safety terminology.

Master educator premium decisions delayed

Veteran teachers probably will have to wait until mid-September to find out if they will receive the $4,000-a-year bonus.

State Board holds off on approving enrollment rule

Enrollment reporting is important because it could serve as a basis for a new K-12 funding model.

Charter commission seeks to weather the storm after a summer of controversy

Critics want the governor to clean house — and they want the Legislature to rein in commission staff. But the commission still has powerful Statehouse allies.

Annual survey shows drop in student engagement

The news surfaced during a State Board of Education meeting on Wednesday.