Task Force subcommittee may call for all-day kindergarten

Under current law, kindergarten is optional in Idaho.

Education News from Around the State

A new library commissioner, Cassia’s teacher of the year, and a 14-year-old making waves in the conservation world.

K-12 will receive slight increase in endowment dollars

Public schools will receive $52.6 million from state endowments in 2020-21, a $1.3 million increase.

Reading achievement gaps linger, but some narrow slightly

Results from this year’s Idaho Reading Indicator were a mixed bag. Several demographic groups gained a bit of ground. For other student groups, chronic “achievement gaps” only grew wider.

Teachers push in favor of keeping Idaho Core Standards

Some 150 people packed a State Board hearing on Monday night for a discussion that centered around education standards.

Task force subcommittee may call for increasing state education savings account

With increased discussion of a potential economic slowdown, task force members say rainy day account could help Idaho weather a storm.

One third of Idaho districts protect LGBTQ employees with policies

As the federal government debates LGBTQ workplace rights, some Idaho districts already have protections in place.

Breaking down the new IRI and ISAT scores

It took several months, but the State Department of Education released final numbers from the spring tests late Thursday afternoon. Here’s a breakdown of some key numbers.

Otter accepts advisory role with IBE

Otter will assist the eduction group with special projects and promote education initiatives.

Blackfoot charter school to apply for city permit

The decision represents the latest in a lingering facilities feud between the public charter school and a local planning and zoning commission.