At least 1,200 apply for master educator premiums

The State Board of Education extended the application deadline to 5 p.m. this Friday.

Emmett School District re-approves separation agreement with Rush

Following an Idaho Education News legal complaint, the Emmett School Board self-recognized a violation of public meetings law, then voted to correct it.

Education task force wrestles with accountability

Policymakers are trying to balance accountability for student success with local control and flexibility.

State lauds IRI, ISAT test results

New data shows that student proficiency in math and English are steadily climbing across the state.

QUIZ: How much do you know about Idaho?

Celebrate Idaho’s birthday week by taking our quiz. You’ll be eligible for prizes.

Superintendent Ybarra’s schedule: July 1-July 5

The education leader is on vacation this week and the State Department of Education is closed Thursday for the holiday.

Emmett trustees call special meeting to address alleged open meeting violation

Idaho Education News requested a formal investigation from the Gem County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.

A long way to go to meet Idaho SAT goals

While SAT scores fell on average across the state, some schools bucked the trend. Click in to see how well your school did on the test.

Bonneville to float a $42.7 million bond issue

The measure includes funding for an $18.7 million elementary school and just under $24 million in upgrades to high schools. Opposition calls the plans extravagant and outrageous.

New education survey highlights value of early childhood literacy

The data from Idaho Business for Education and HP Inc also found mental health issues have become a crisis in The Gem State.