Idahoans increase investments in their top priority

Local patrons approved nearly $700 million in school bonds and levies and lawmakers cranked-up overall K-12 state spending to $1.7 billion. Key leaders say the recent financial investments need time to play out.

Ybarra praises lawmakers as she prepares for post-legislative roadshow

Idaho’s state superintendent said she was especially pleased when lawmakers earmarked nearly $62 million for a third consecutive year of raises for educators. Next up: Her six-city legislative roadshow tour.

Idaho educators have big concerns over Trump’s ‘skinny’ spending plan

State superintendent Sherri Ybarra defends the White House’s proposals to cut after-school and teacher training programs, saying they are based on research.

Idahoans say education is their No. 1 priority

While education ranks above all other issues in Idaho, survey respondents say there’s still plenty of room to improve K-12 in Idaho.

Year Three: State schedules next round of science standards hearings

State officials will seek public comment on the temporary new science standards before sending revised standards back to the Legislature for approval in 2018.

Otter signs $1.7 billion K-12 budgets

Still hanging fire: a bill to repeal the state’s grocery tax, and a $315 million highway and infrastructure bill. Otter has voiced his opposition to the grocery tax repeal.

Otter gives the Legislature an ‘A’ on education issues

Idaho’s governor also said on Monday legislators earned “incomplete” grades on some education areas, and he declined to say how he’ll act on repealing Idaho’s grocery tax.

Meet some of the Legislature’s freshman class of 2017

Although veteran Statehouse leaders generate many of the headlines, don’t overlook the impact first-year lawmakers made in Boise.

Around the Statehouse in 80 days: 2017 Legislature adjourns

The House and Senate wrapped up their business for the year on Wednesday morning — passing a safe routes to school bill and killing another proposed income tax cut.

Statehouse roundup, 3.28.17: Legislature passes highway plan

Meanwhile, one new education bill emerged in the final throes of the 2017 session — a bill that could free up money for sidewalks and bike lanes near schools.