Conference promotes regional networking
The Innovate to Educate conference offered a day-long conference of inspirational speakers but also an opportunity for collaboration between education and business communities.
West Ada delays action on supplemental levy
School board members are expected to revisit the issue Thursday, during a special meeting they plan to call.
Caldwell teacher inspires and motivates kids
Melyssa Ferro, a teacher at Caldwell School District’s Syringa Middle School, is recognized as Caldwell’s Teacher of the Year.
$250,000 available for classroom projects
Chevron is generating funds this fall for Idaho teachers and students in collaboration with
Kamiah starts school despite devastating fires
At least 15 children in the North Idaho community lost their homes this month in the Clearwater Complex fire, which also took the home of the high school principal. Educators decided not to postpone the start of school so those displaced would have some semblance of structure.
A community-based pre-K bill is taking shape
Rep. Christy Perry, a Nampa Republican and pre-K backer, isn’t making predictions for 2016. Passing a state pre-K law will require a “paradigm shift,” she said Wednesday.
This time around, Troy’s supplemental levy passes with ease
When school reopens on Sept. 9, all-day kindergarten should be in session, sports teams will be on the field and some staff jobs could be filled again.
Marsing breaks away from SAT Day mold
The Owyhee County high school urges students to consider their college entrance exam options — and the district puts its own money behind the idea.