A surprising superintendent’s endorsement

Why is Idaho’s reigning superintendent of the year crossing party lines in the race for state superintendent?

Principal honored for her dedication

Terri Fisher wins an Oscar of sorts from the Idaho Association of School Administrators. Other winners are listed inside.

Jones calls for building education coalition

Democrat superintendent candidate Jana Jones spoke to hundreds of school administrators Monday; Republican candidate Sherri Ybarra declined to participate.

Rural challenges: Money and mandates

Kathy Canfield-Davis of the University of Idaho asked small-town school administrators what they think of their jobs. One compared the work to juggling beach balls in a hurricane, while running in the mud.

States begin analyzing SBAC tests

Education officials are compiling thousands of survey responses from students and teachers.

‘Go-on’ numbers trend downward

The latest numbers are a snapshot in time, subject to change. But they illustrate a clear and wide gap between Idaho’s postsecondary “go-on” rate and the state’s ambitious goals.

Committee finalizes licensure plans

The committee is expected to take its recommendations for a new system of teacher licensure to the State Board of Education for consideration in October.

David Peterson’s move, and Nampa’s transition

The district’s fourth superintendent since 2012 hopes to focus on academics.

It’s back to work for Idaho school administrators

Conferences next week feature networking sessions, updates and informational meetings. INSIDE: A list of administrators of the year and distinguished service awards.

Following the leadership premium dollars

How are districts spending $15.8 million in teacher leadership premiums? Here’s a closer look.