Vallivue High gets kids prepared

The Caldwell school invests in helping low-income students or “kids in the middle” be college or career ready.

In Garden Valley, a new math formula

How the Khan Academy’s online learning materials are transferring one small-town Idaho math class.

Readers’ questions: Grover’s answers

We asked our Facebook followers what they wanted to ask the state superintendent’s candidates. Andy Grover answers three readers’ questions.

Readers’ questions: Ybarra’s answers

We asked our Facebook followers what they wanted to ask the state superintendent’s candidates. Sherri Ybarra answers two readers’ questions.

Student filmmakers honored

High school filmmakers were recognized for their movies, and got to split a cash prize with their school.

Blaine County hires new superintendent

GwenCarol Holmes, chief academic officer of public schools in Alexandria, Va., will join the Blaine County district in July. Meanwhile, the Gooding School District has narrowed its superintendent search.

Bonneville weighs options after failed bond

Leaders of the state’s fifth-largest district plan to run another bond issue, but year-round classes will likely be needed to keep up with growth.

Book controversy gives way to giveaway

On Wednesday, ‘The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian’ was absolutely free to Meridian students. And business was brisk.

Schools work through testing glitches

With the state more than halfway finished with SBAC field tests, educators and state officials are pointing out issues they hope to resolve by next year.

Candidates stake out differences with platform

Among the differences: GOP state superintendent candidate Andy Grover objects to using tax credits to encourage school choice, while primary opponent Sherri Ybarra says she is open to pre-K.