Coeur d’Alene forum draws supportive crowd

About 130 audience members showed support for every speaker at a Coeur d’Alene listening session, hosted by the governor’s education task force.

State nervously eyes cabin lease deadline

Two weeks before the deadline, only 30 percent of the state’s lakeside cabin leaseholders have applied for renewal — and that could have troubling implications for the school endowment.

Few speak at task force’s Lewiston forum

The governor’s education task force held a listening session in Lewiston Monday. Only six people spoke to a small crowd.

Task force: Slow night in Twin Falls

Thursday was the second night of the state’s education reform roadshow.

Common Core a topic at post-session overview

Superintendent Tom Luna is holding several post-session meetings statewide; educators attending Monday’s meeting via the IEN at six different sites across Idaho.

One education forum, two prevailing themes

On their first night of a statewide listening tour, members of Gov. Butch Otter’s education reform task force got an earful about Common Core, and education funding.

Boise begins selection of new trustee

The Boise School District to begin its search to replace a trustee who had been a member of the board for 23 years.

Otter signs public schools budget

After the session adjured, Otter was given 10 days to sign or veto remaining bills.

Lawmakers revive elements of defeated props

Many lawmakers said the November repeal of the 2011 education laws carried unintended consequences. Others said revival of the laws went too far.

A busy summer ahead on K-12 issues

The 2013 Legislature has adjourned, but a governor’s task force and a legislative committee will spend the off-season scrutinizing education issues. Here’s a look at what to expect.