The next election: Kuna trustee recall

Regardless of whether Kuna voters approve a school levy Tuesday, a recall election against a trustee opposing the levy appears to be a go.

Michael Law
Michael Law

Levy supporters plan to submit signatures to the Ada County clerk’s office Tuesday, said Sharon Fisher, a parent and member of  Friends of the Kuna School District. This is the next step in pursuing a recall targeting School Board member Michael Law.

Tuesday, of course, is also the day when Kuna voters will head back to the polls to vote on a two-year, $6.38 million supplemental school levy. Voters narrowly rejected an identical levy in March — but 10 days later, trustees voted to put the levy on the ballot again in May.

Law opposed the March levy and opposed putting the levy back on the ballot in May. He and other levy opponents say the district should look for cost savings before pursuing a levy.

Supporters of the levy said they wanted to hold off on submitting recall petitions, because they didn’t want the process to distract voters from the levy. But they have maintained that they would pursue the recall, regardless of the outcome of Tuesday’s levy vote. However, the Friends group decided to hold off on submitting the signatures right away. “That’s what led to our decision to submit the petition on Election Day itself, before we know the results,” Fisher said Monday.

If petitions are approved, the recall election would take place in August.

Stay current: Check Idaho Education News on Tuesday night for up-to-the-minute results from Kuna — and the statewide elections.

Kevin Richert

Kevin Richert

Senior reporter and blogger Kevin Richert specializes in education politics and education policy. He has more than 35 years of experience in Idaho journalism. He is a frequent guest on "Idaho Reports" on Idaho Public Television and "Idaho Matters" on Boise State Public Radio. He can be reached at [email protected]

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