Caldwell approves next year’s budget, which includes school closure

The Caldwell School District’s Board of Trustees unanimously approved next year’s budget on Monday night.

The budget calls for the closure of Lincoln Elementary, among other cuts, after voters rejected a $4.1 million supplemental levy on May 21. The district is also absorbing other cuts.

Trustees had outlined their case for the budget and the reductions in a special meeting on June 3.

Public testimony prior to the Monday vote was limited. One mother expressed concern about her son transferring from Van Buren Elementary to Jefferson Middle School.

“He’s not prepared for middle school,” she said. “My 10-year-old is not ready for it. This is not a good change.”

A teacher later reassured the mother, but that change will happen. Students in grades 5-6 will attend Jefferson Middle School and students in grades 7-8 will attend Syringa Middle School.

The district will also see staff reductions, reductions of activities, athletic transportation and field trips, and reductions of school resource officers and safe-school aides.

Chris Langrill

Chris Langrill

Chris is a former Idaho Statesman reporter and editor who is freelancing for EdNews this summer.

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