Idaho Falls OKs all-day kindergarten pilot

The Idaho Falls School District will begin offering an all-day kindergarten pilot program next school year.

Trustees unanimously approved the program Wednesday. However, there are a couple caveats:

  • There will be an estimated monthly fee of $275 per kid, a one-time $25 registration fee and additional fees for students who eat school lunch. These fees will cover costs tied to the program, administrators say, since Idaho neither funds nor reimburses for full-day kindergarten services.
  • Enrollment will be capped at 25 students at each qualifying elementary school. If a school receives more than 25 applicants, the district will use a lottery.

The district will choose participating schools based on parent surveys. So far, only one of the district’s 12 elementary schools — Sunnyside Elementary — meets the district’s enrollment threshold of 25 or more students, administrators told trustees Wednesday.

Trustees approved the Sunnyside pilot, and based on parent interest, other schools could follow suit.

Registration will run from Tuesday through May 25, according to the district’s webpage. Click here for the district’s list of frequently asked questions about the program.

“We are very excited about piloting (the program),” said Idaho Falls director of elementary education Kelly Coughenour. “This program will complement our existing kindergarten offerings, and provide parents with more options.”

Devin Bodkin

Devin Bodkin

Devin was formerly a senior reporter and editor for Idaho Education News and now works for INL in communications.

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