Two rural school districts will seek bond issues on Tuesday.
Here’s what’s on a short Election Day ballot.
Homedale. The Southwest Idaho district is seeking $14 million for high school improvements:
- Building a new auxiliary gym and upgrading the old gym so it can be used for drama and band.
- Adding four or five science and math classrooms, updating restrooms and existing science classrooms.
- Updating power, heating, cooling and alarm systems.
- Rebuilding the track and upgrading football field lighting.
West Jefferson. The Eastern Idaho district says it would use a $1.5 million bond issue for remodeling, rather than new projects. The distrct’s to-do list includes safety upgrades, replacing roofs and upgrading the old high school gymnasium and auditorium.
“Projects will be completed by priority basis until funds have been depleted,” the district says in a flier.
Both bond issues will require two-thirds supermajorities to pass.
Under state law, school districts can seek bond issues or levies on four election days — including an August election date that is available only for school elections.
Districts use the August election date infrequently, running the majority of ballot measures in March and May. The House this year passed a bill to end August school elections, but it didn’t pass in the Senate.
Check back Wednesday for election results.