2017 Idaho Legislature

Statehouse roundup, 2.17.17: education leaders back teacher raises

In other news, a bill to close schools for election day survives its first hurdle — barely.

Senate Education takes up science standards Thursday

On Feb. 9, the House Education Committee deleted references to climate change from the science standards. Idaho’s current standards have been on the books since 2001.

School funding committee wants to get back to work

The committee would develop recommendations to modernize Idaho’s public school funding formula.

Statehouse roundup, 2.15.17: Funding formula committee finishes work … for now

It’s going to take another year — and, hundreds of thousands of dollars — for this committee to finish its work.

Statehouse roundup, 2.14.17: Go-on numbers remain flat

Nonetheless, Idaho’s college “direct admissions” program appears to be making a difference, State Board of Education President Emma Atchley said Tuesday.

Statehouse roundup, 2.13.17: K-12 budget-writing session set

The Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee is scheduled to write public school budgets on Feb. 27. This is a key milestone, as legislative leaders hope to wrap up the 2017 session on March 24.

House panel approves English, math and computer science standards

Every teacher who testified Friday offered support for Idaho Core Standards in math.

Clow takes another run at Internet sales taxes

For years, some policymakers have pointed to Internet sales — and the growing e-commerce sector — as an untapped source of revenue for education and other state programs.

Science standards: House committee deletes climate change language

The lawmakers voted to approve new science standards after first striking five paragraphs that reference rising global temperatures and climate change.

Statehouse roundup, 2.9.17: Electioneering, and school elections

One lawmaker wants the Legislature to crack down on publicly funded campaigning for ballot measures. A second lawmaker wants to roll back the “supermajority” needed to pass a bond issue.